Montanier predicts hell for PSG against Real Sociedad


By: Manu Tournoux

The former French coach of Real Sociedad is certain that PSG will suffer a lot during their opposition against the Basque team in C1.

Next February, PSG will have to cross swords with Real Sociedad for the round of 16 of the Champions League. On paper, the duel seems affordable for the French champions but the opponent facing them will still have assets to put forward. Philippe Montanier, his former coach, is even convinced that a surprise is possible.

Distrust for PSG!

“Paris is the clear favorite on paper, because compared to the experience of the two clubs in Europe there is no comparison. And at PSG, there are still extremely well-known players in Europe. But, Real is a well-established collective, with great stability. I would say distrust. Paris favorite with its status, but finishing ahead of Inter is not nothing,” he confided on the L’Equipe channel.

Montanier continued by suggesting that the pressure that Real imposes on all its opponents could be a problem for Luis Enrique’s team. “That’s going to be one of the keys.” Both teams want to have possession, so there will be a lot of risk taking. La Real always tries to be aggressive against the big teams.”

Regarding the context to be expected in Paris, Montanier replied: “The atmosphere? This has changed compared to ten years ago. There is no longer an athletics track. The supporters are close. During big matches, the atmosphere is very heated. And the arrival of PSG will boost the aficionados.”

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