PSG has largely imposed itself in Brest this Saturday on behalf of the 20e L1 day (2-5). A very flattering score for Parisians and very severe for the Brestois who were able to overall give the reply to an opponent whom they will find in the coming days in play -offs of the Champions League.
For the SB29, this defeat is all the more raging since the Bretons consider themselves injured by the arbitration of Mr. Bastien. Eric Roy in particular denounces the second goal granted to visitors-a decisive achievement signed by Ousmane Dembélé tainted with a blatant offside of Nuno Mendes according to him.
“” Take 5-2 on this match, with this goal that makes all the difference when we are in our momentum, there is nothing worse to cut our legs. Behind we take 3-1, we are lucky, the niac, the desire to return to 3-2 despite everything. Afterwards, of course, we are playing our all in the last two goals. But it's a real scandal this second goal “, Dixit the Brest coach on the BeIN Sports antenna.
“It's incompetence …”
And to continue, reassembled after the arbitral body as a whole: ” What is unhappy is that there are people with arbitration who must interpret situations and who are able to tell you that the Parisian player does not act. simply. (…) The referees recognize the position of offside, but the fourth referee said that the Var considers that he does not act of play so there is no sanction. »»
In the end, Eric Roy concludes that the big displacements remain systematically advantaged. “” Unfortunately, these are people who are today in interpretation and who understand nothing in football. When there is an interpretation that must be done, it often falls on teams that are against Real Madrid, PSG … It is understandable, these are very strong institutions, which makes them may have a favorable interpretation. »»