“Painful but …”: Textor's explanation


By: Manu Tournoux

Present at a press conference, this Friday, January 31, for the presentation of the new coach Paulo Fonseca, John Textor returned to the ouster of Pierre Sage.

John Textor recognizes this: the eviction of Pierre Sage was not easy. Present at a press conference with the new coach, Paulo Fonseca, this Friday, January 31, the American businessman wanted to explain his choice. “Sometimes the change can be painful, but also justified. Pierre had done a magnificent job last season. But the supporters saw the weaknesses of the team. Not that of the players, but those of the strategy, the preparation ”he explained.

At the same time, he wanted to pay tribute to the one who had avoided the worst in Lyonnais a year ago. “The decision was made with all the respect due to Pierre for his work, and we will remember him for the work he has done”said the owner of Eagle. However, he does not regret his approach: “But we are going ahead, we increase the probabilities of achieving our goals”.

Objective the C1

Objectives that John Textor has drawn well.“My job is to optimize the probability of competing in the Champions League. Many supporters think that Pierre would have succeeded, it may be true. But my job is to increase this probability of getting there ”he said to Paulo Fonseca. It will therefore be up to the Portuguese to get the top 3 in Ligue 1.