Big shock! This club pays tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen


By: Manu Tournoux

Jean-Marie Le Pen died this week at the age of 96. The man who founded the National Front had suffered many setbacks during his life as a political leader. In this context, several political and anonymous figures celebrated the death of the former far-right leader.

In the world of football, we must believe that Jean-Marie Le Pen nevertheless had his courtiers. Particularly in Italy, the other side of the Alpswhere an unexpected tribute took place. The approach was initiated by the Ultras of Lazio Rome, a club unfortunately often singled out for its far-right sympathizers.

The tribute that shocks the world of football

Supporters of the club in the Italian capital published a press release on social networks to pay tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen. A first act which did not go unnoticed, before an even more eloquent second, with a banner with the following legend: “Have a good trip Jean-Marie”.

Widely commented on on social networks, this initiative once again scratches the image of Lazio Rome, which has suffered in the past from the setbacks of some of its emblematic players, including the very temperamental Paolo Di Canio, known for his ideologies.