La décision de recruter le Norvégien, auteur de 18 buts en 23 matches disputés cette saison, aurait même déjà été validée en interne. Et les Blaugrana seraient optimistes quant à leurs chances d’arriver à leur fin. First of all, Catalan decision-makers would intend to take advantage of the legal concerns of the Skyblues, threatened with sanctions for having violated the rules of Financial Fair Play, to achieve this.
Furthermore, the residents of Camp Nou would count on the very good relationship between President Joan Laporta and Erling Haaland’s representative, Rafaela Pimienta, to facilitate the matter. In addition, the 24-year-old striker would be open to the idea of continuing his career in Catalonia, he who would be wondering about his future after the Citizens’ complicated first part of the season.
Les dirigeants du Barça verraient en Haaland le remplaçant idéal à Lewandowski, âgé de 36 ans. Although the Pole remains efficient – 23 goals in 23 matches in all competitions – with a contract running until 2026, the Barcelona staff would have doubts about his ability to play matches next season. Reste maintenant au club catalan de trouver les fonds nécessaires pour s’offrir le géant norvégien.