And the debate is not over since new revelations were made on the subject this Friday. The current OGC Nice player on loan from Borrusia Dortmund faces new accusations. “ The facade of football star Youssoufa Moukoko (officially 20 years old) is crumbling more and more,” title Bild this Friday morning.
The German publication reveals new statements from Joseph Moukoko (73 years old). The latter assured under oath that he is not the biological father of Youssoufa Moukoko. What we already knew. But he provided other details about the player’s age.
“ Aware of the criminal liability of a false declaration under oath, I declare under oath: Youssoufa Moukoko is not the biological son of me and my wife, Marie Moukoko. He was also not born on November 20, 2004 in Yaoundé, Cameroon. I told him: Youssoufa obtained a false birth certificate in Yaoundé. With that, I went to the embassy and got him a passport, then took him to Germany as my son. He was actually born on July 19, 2000. We made him four years younger. Now he was born on November 20, 2004. My wife was employed by an agency that works for the BVB sponsor Evonik, and I was employed directly by the BVB. So we received money every month. We didn’t work. That’s how we got the money,” he declared in BILD.
A statement which risks shaking the player and his entourage as well as OGC Nice, the club in which he has played on loan since the start of the season. To be continued…