Arsène Wenger tells why he signed Giroud at Arsenal


By: Manu Tournoux

Olivier Giroud played his last European match with AC Milan yesterday. The native of Chambéry will fly to the United States and Los Angeles FC this summer, after a rich career on the old continent (Grenoble, Tours, Montpellier, Arsenal, Chelsea and AC Milan). In a retrospective documentary produced by Canal+Arsène Wenger returned to the choice of recruiting the French striker to the Gunners.

“I remember the first time I saw him. It was his first match for the France team. At the time he was doing well with Montpellier. When he came home, I saw him play, I said to myself: damn, he understands football. Immediately, there was something that hooked me,” said the former Arsenal coach, who coached Olivier Giroud for six seasons.

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