Barça’s totally unforeseen plan with Thiago Alcântara


By: Manu Tournoux

Hansi Flick has not yet been made official, but Barça is already taking care to ensure his comfort. As reported in the newspaper A.S. this Saturday, the Catalan club would like to repatriate Thiago Alcântara (33 years old), free this summer after the expiration of his contract with Liverpool. The reason ? Make him an assistant to Hansi Flick.

Having spent time with Bayern Munich between 2013 and 2020, where he was trained by Flick during his last season, the Spaniard masters German and would have the possibility of ensuring the link between the staff and the squad. According to the media, Deco would favor this type of profile, namely a Spanish player, who played in Germany, and rather at the end of his career. Marc Bartra, free this summer, and Javi Martinez, currently in Qatar, would also be part of a shortlist established by the club.

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