Bradley Barcola’s response to Daniel Riolo


By: Manu Tournoux

Selected by Didier Deschamps to play the Euro in Germany, Bradley Barcola returned to the criticisms made by Daniel Riolo last fall about him.

Bradley Barcola finally convinced Didier Deschamps. Highly visible since the end of the fall, the former Lyonnais, after establishing himself as a starter at PSG, was in fact selected by the French coach to play in the Euro. His first three months with the Rouge et Bleu did not augur such a trajectory.

Very clumsy against Newcastle in the Champions League, the young winger had also been the target of very strong criticism, notably from Daniel Riolo. “The person responsible is not him, it is Luis Enrique because he thinks that he is a player who is capable of playing in the Champions League whereas all you had to do was open your eyes in the league to see that it’s a little lamb. We’re talking about the Champions League, he can’t behave like he did! He is at Youth League level,” he said while the Parisian No. 29 had missed five big chances against the Magpies.

By his own admission, these criticisms particularly stimulated him. “It can only make you grow when someone comes across you like that. It only encourages you to give your all. Show that you are not a lamb as I have heard and to show that you are better than that, that you are a good player and that you know what you do and want. I didn’t doubt in those moments. They wanted to bury me but I always continued to believe in myself”he confided in an interview with France 3. Enough to make the RMC polemicist react once again.

Daniel Riolo puts it back on Bradley Barcola

“What Barcola says today is that his pride is shaken when he hears that, when I say the lamb… Flo doesn’t do it to support him, but because he sees qualities that , I see less. He defends a point of view, but he is not there to support it. As early as last year, he found that he had something special, I disagree less on that.” he began to explain before once again being outraged by the presence of the Parisian player at the Euro.

“I don’t understand how with a handful of matches we join the French team, he was offended. OK in 1986, Jean-Pierre Papin joined the French team, but after a full season and a lot of goals. Times have changed and I think we are moving too quickly.”

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