Bernardo Silva unleashes on City supporters


By: Manu Tournoux

Bernardo Silva sends a strong message to Manchester City fans.

Announced about leaving last summer, Bernardo Silva finally decided to stay at Manchester City. But also to extend his contract until June 2023. A profitable choice for the Portuguese attacking midfielder who has just been crowned champion of England for the fourth consecutive time with the Citizens.

A real feat that the former Monegasque would never have imagined achieving. But for Bernardo Silva, these successes are not only the fruit of the work of the players and staff. City fans also made a strong contribution to these victories.

“It’s a special time for me”

In the first six months I didn’t play much, but from the second season the connection became very strong, said Bernardo Silva. Fans, wherever they are, want the team to show passion and fight for their club. That’s the most important thing. We try to represent them well, because football without supporters is nothing. They understand that even when we lose, we give our best. This link is very important to help us win titles. The fans are incredible and they help us a lot. »

“I couldn’t have expected to have won so many titles. Winning so many Premier Leagues is the hardest thing. I couldn’t have asked for better in terms of the club, the staff, the fans. This is a special time for me and I couldn’t ask for more. “, he added.

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