Kylian Mbappé already threatened at Real Madrid


By: Manu Tournoux

Future Real Madrid player, Endrick spoke about the upcoming competition with Kylian Mbappé.

Announced as the future star of Brazilian football, Endrick will join Real Madrid this summer from Palmeiras. Merengue who paid no less than 47.5 million euros to secure the services of the 17-year-old striker – he will celebrate his 18th birthday on July 26.

In the Spanish capital, the young Endrick will notably find a certain Kylian Mbappé, with whom he will be in competition. A competition that does not scare the Auriverde international (4 caps, 2 goals).

Endrick on Mbappé: “Ano player poses a threat »

“In a winning group, no player poses a threat to another. The best club in the world must always look for the best in all positions. Being alongside great players and competing for a position with them will only make me progress, reach a higher level and win more titles, because club titles are the most important goals “, confided Endrick during an interview with the media A.S..

The Brazilian prodigy also said he was happy to find his compatriots Vinicius and Rodrygo at the White House. “They are young players, also Brazilian, who have adapted very well to the city, the club and the way of playing in Spain. Their story, that of Vini and Rodrygo, is a source of inspiration. They will help me a lot “, he estimated. One thing is certain: Carlo Ancelotti will not lack solutions in attack next season.

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