EdF: reassuring news for Mike Maignan


By: Manu Tournoux

Absent from the field since the end of April, Mike Maignan was supposed to make his return with AC Milan this weekend. But the Blues goalkeeper, called up for the Euro by Didier Deschamps, was injured again this Thursday in training. This time, the former PSG goalkeeper was hit in the finger. Something to worry about just a few weeks before the Euro and when he is logically expected to be the starter.

We therefore had to wait for the first exams to worry or not. According to information from Sky Sports, the 28-year-old goalkeeper had the first x-rays this Thursday afternoon which ruled out the idea of ​​a fracture. Very good news for France. Mike Maignan will wear a splint while waiting for the next exam next week. So it appears to be a dislocation of the finger.

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