PSG and Saint-Etienne win the lawn championship


By: Manu Tournoux

Each year, in addition to the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 championships, another championship is played: that of the lawns. In Ligue 1 this season, it is the PSG pitch which wins the 2023-2024 title. As in recent years, the lawn of the Parc des Princes was the best in the first division championship, ahead of those of Reims and Metz, who will be able to console themselves with this podium this season. In Ligue 2, the grass has never been greener than at Saint-Étienne, who won the lawn championship in the second division.

Many criteria are judged at each match to establish this classification of pitches. Technical criteria, such as the trajectory of the ball on the ground, the flexibility or hardness of the ground, the quality of the supports… But also the visual quality, the color (quality of the green, homogeneity) or even the mowing pattern.

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