EdF: Didier Deschamps evokes a “non-match” for the Blues


By: Manu Tournoux

The year 2024 is off to a bad start for the Blues. This Saturday, the France team faced Germany in a friendly at Groupama Stadium. Surprised from the start by Florian Wirtz's opener, the Blues tried to raise their heads in the first half before losing a second time after returning from the locker room against a Mannschaft that dominated in all areas of the game (0-2). Lucid, Didier Deschamps felt that the defeat was deserved given the face displayed by his team even if he did not want to personally overwhelm his players.

“We weren't there, that's obvious, with what a high-level match like today demands and what the Germans offered. When we see our start to the match with this goal where we are stopped… It took us a quarter of an hour to get into the game, but that's not intentional. We didn't have all the ingredients. We can talk about tactics with things that can work better. Did we have the means to do better? Maybe not, not with these intentions against a team of such quality. There, they did things better than us even though they were in a negative series, like last September. In commitment, aggressiveness, we were below”, recognized the Basque technician at the microphone of TF1. We will now have to react to Chile…

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