EdF: Adrien Rabiot did not like the state of mind against the Germans


By: Manu Tournoux

Defeated (0-2) by Germany this Saturday evening, the Blues completely missed their meeting for this friendly match organized in Lyon. Questioned at the microphone of TF1 after the meeting, Adrien Rabiot did not fail to display his frustration, pointing out in particular the state of mind of his family. “My mixed feelings? No, not mixed, we are disappointed, we should have done better, it's a friendly ok, it's still a great team but more than the technical errors, it's above all the state of mind which was not good this evening and this is what it gave”.

And to add: “it was complicated, they had a lot of players in the middle and attackers who were dropping out, we often found ourselves between two, at group level this evening, we weren't good at the intensity, technically we can compete with this German team and other teams but the state of mind was not good. It's better that it happened this evening, it was an important match but not essential, we could have done much better, it allows us to keep our feet on the ground but we have to react from Tuesday, especially in the state of spirit, be more warlike, more aggressive in duels and move forward”. That's what it says!

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