The terrible revelation of Jack Wilshere


By: Manu Tournoux

Jack Wilshere (32 years old) was Arsenal's young prodigy midfielder at the turn of the 2010s. An exceptional player, comfortable with the ball, capable of combining with attackers and making all kinds of passes while being very active in the field. Except that the Englishman's career was ruined by injuries. Fractured ankle (2011), repeated sprains and a broken fibula (2015) marred a career full of promise. In the podcast William Hill Up Frontthe England international returned to his fragility which could have ended his career at 19 years old.

“After this 2010/11 season when I was injured, I was never the same player again, I played with physical pain every day. Mentally I was still there, probably a bit stronger in that regard, but it was a serious, career-threatening injury. (…) I sit in front of two doctors and they tell me that I may never play again. I'm standing there going: 'What? I'm an 18-year-old playing week in, week out in the Premier League, this doesn't happen!' » said Jack Wilshere. The former Arsenal midfielder was able to continue his career, but still with permanent discomfort.

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