Luis Enrique on Twitch to follow live


By: Manu Tournoux

The Paris Saint-Germain coach will speak on Twitch this Thursday. Here is all the essential information on this highly anticipated moment.

Luis Enrique is getting back to his good habits. More than a year after his last intervention on Twitch, the Spanish technician is making his comeback on the platform this Thursday, with a speech scheduled for 8 p.m. As when he was Spain coach, Luis Enrique should select a set of questions to address various topics in a relaxed context.

Criticized for his stormy relations with journalists at press conferences, the ex-Barça coach therefore opts for an informal mode of communication in order to relay his ideas to supporters.

Where to follow Luis Enrique's speech?

Follow Luis Enrique speaking live on his Twitch channel, this Thursday, from 8 p.m., via this link.

The Paris Saint-Germain coach should not shy away from any subject. It remains to be seen whether he will select the questions around the management of Kylian Mbappé…

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