Lucas Paquetá defends himself after his setbacks with sports betting


By: Manu Tournoux

Since last summer, Lucas Paquetá (26) has been under investigation by the English Football Association (FA) over sports betting allegations. The player was left out of Brazil's squad for six games this fall. But he is now back with the Seleção for the two prestigious friendly matches (against England and Spain). The former OL player spoke about this complicated period at a press conference yesterday. He had to count on an important man to overcome this difficult moment.

“At the beginning, it was hard. But now I've grown a lot mentally and now I can live with it. I put that behind me and can now concentrate on my performance. Moyes is special to me. I have a good relationship with him. And his support was important to me. He said he wanted me to play on the team. This trust was very important to me. Without a shadow of a doubt, the support he gave me to leave all that behind me was essential” he explained to the media present. The Brazilian midfielder was unable to go into detail about the accusations made against him, but nevertheless claimed to be cooperating with the justice system. This matter caused him harm. Last winter, she encouraged Manchester City not to take a position on its purchase. If the Brazilian is acquitted, the Mancunians will undoubtedly return to the charge this summer. The Sky Blues had prepared an offer of 80 million pounds sterling (nearly 94 million euros) for the Hammers playmaker.

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