Racism: Juan Jesus denies Acerbi's version


By: Manu Tournoux

During the duel between Inter Milan and Naples on Sunday, a subject caught the attention of the Italian press. Naples defender Juan Jesus (32 years old) was allegedly the target of racist insults from Francesco Acerbi (36 years old). The latter apologized, but denied having uttered racist insults. This statement did not fail to provoke a reaction from Juan Jesus, who commented on this affair in comments relayed by the Gazzetta dello Sport.

“For me, the matter was closed yesterday on the ground with Acerbi’s apologies”first wanted to recall Juan Jesus. “But today, I read statements from Acerbi which are in total contradiction with the reality of the facts, with what he himself said yesterday on the ground (…) I will therefore not tolerate it. Racism is fought here and now. Acerbi told me 'go away, black, you're just a nigger'”, assured the Brazilian defender. The matter is not over.

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