Is it over for Griezmann?


By: Manu Tournoux

Antoine Griezmann would not be able to play the next two matches for the France team, according to L'Equipe.

A quick trip to Clairefontaine and then off? According to newspaper information The Team, Antoine Griezmann is very uncertain for this gathering with the France team due to ankle pain. Arriving this Monday at Clairefontaine, the Mâconnais will take stock with the Blues medical staff before the decision whether or not to forfeit is taken.

“There are checks in progress”indicated Didier Deschamps this Monday at a press conference, and added: “We will have to take stock tomorrow, some players have small problems. Between today and tomorrow morning, we will take action. Antoine (Griezmann) has a problem with his ankle. »

A presence ” very compromised”

“S“participation against Germany and Chile is very compromised”, for its part, advances the sports daily. A package which, if it were to be confirmed, would put an end to his crazy series with the France team. Indeed, the Colchonero remains on 84 consecutive starts in the rooster jersey – 109th in total in 127 selections -, a record in Europe.

Substitute during Atlético Madrid's defeat against FC Barcelona (0-3), Sunday evening in La Liga, Antoine Griezmann came on after the break. The best passer in the history of the Blues, however, was not at 100% of his abilities.

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