Transfer of Neymar to PSG: judicial investigation opened for “influence peddling”


By: Manu Tournoux

PSG is probably not done with Neymar yet. Despite his departure for Saudi Arabia last summer, the Brazilian continues to cause problems for the capital club. The world revealed this Tuesday that a judicial investigation had been opened by the French courts for “influence peddling” in the context of the transfer of the star in 2017 for €222 million from FC Barcelona. The Paris public prosecutor’s office confirmed the existence of a procedure for “facts likely to qualify as active and passive influence peddling.” This is the result of the first elements of investigation into the so-called “barbouzeries” affair in which Nasser Al-Khelaïfi is involved. The investigating magistrates responsible for judicial information believe that the data is important enough to separate the two cases.

This follows searches that took place at the Ministry of Finance in January, then at PSG headquarters a month later. Jean-Martial Ribes, former communications director of the club, and charged by Al-Khelaïfi, is indicted for “active influence peddling” in the context of these two cases. Telephone exchanges did take place with Hugues Renson, former member of the majority, the nature of which remains to be determined. Justice is seeking to know whether the former vice-president of the National Assembly tried to obtain from the Ministry of Action and Public Accounts, then occupied by Gérald Darmanin, tax advantages for the PSG within the framework of this transfer to €222 million in exchange for gifts.

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