Ramadan, the FFF decides


By: Manu Tournoux

Ramadan began on March 10 and will end on April 9. During this period, the FFF will not authorize breaks to break the fast during matches.

The French Football Federation maintains its line. If it did not send an email to the officials as it did last year, the governing body confirmed that this year again, there would be no special arrangements to allow players following the Ramadan to break the fast during matches.

It’s in the columns of Parisian that Eric Borghini, head of the Federal Referees Commission (CFA), indicated this Tuesday that the same instructions as last year were being maintained. However, with the desire not to create controversy by communicating officially on the subject. Thus, if he indicated that he wanted to avoid any “ form of provocation » by choosing not to send a letter, the manager wanted to be firm on the subject.

Booster shot planned

There is no question for him of seeing referees decide to voluntarily stop the game so that the players can come and hydrate or eat. “ If feedback tells us that it is starting again, we will see about giving a booster shot. » However, Eric Borghini is confident that everyone will perform well in the major championships in France: “ As a professional, I would be surprised if this happened. »

To justify its choice, the FFF relies in particular on article 1.1 of its statutes: “ The following are prohibited, during competitions or demonstrations organized on the territory of the Federation or in connection with them: any speech or display of a political, ideological, religious or trade union nature, any wearing of signs or outfits ostensibly manifesting a political, philosophical, religious or trade union affiliation or any act of proselytism or propaganda maneuver. »

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