Juventus: Ravanelli pays Allegri


By: Manu Tournoux

Former player of Olympique de Marseille and Juventus, Fabrizio Ravanelli is now a consultant, having had stints as a coach for Ajaccio (2013) and Arsenal kyiv (2018). In the show Dry cleaninghe pointed the finger at Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri who after Juventus’ draw against Atalanta (2-2) was satisfied with winning a point over Bologna (4th) who lost against Inter Milan.

Words that have nothing more to do with Fabrizio Ravanelli: “you can’t say something like that. In my opinion, as Juventus coach he cannot make these statements, Max was wrong. He can’t say we gained a point over Bologna as Juventus coach. He coaches Juventus, in my opinion he was wrong. “It’s a message that, in my opinion, should not be sent even inside the locker room.”

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