EdF: Adrien Rabiot close to a package for the rally


By: Manu Tournoux

On Thursday, the coach of the France team Didier Deschamps will unveil his list for the next gathering of the Blues, the first of the year 2024. 23 players will be called up by the French coach. And a few months before the Euro, places are expensive for players. Called regularly, Adrien Rabiot (28 years old) should not be part of this gathering.

Indeed, victim of a dislocation of the left big toe since the end of February, the midfielder with 42 caps with France should not be restored in time to be part of the list, as confirmed RMC Sport. Thus, Rabiot should not take part in the matches against Germany, on March 23 in Lyon, and against Chile, on March 26 in Marseille.

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