Real Madrid: the player who will be sacrificed to make room for Kylian Mbappé


By: Manu Tournoux

Kylian Mbappé will be a Real Madrid player next season. This is an exclusive revealed by us last January, and which has since been confirmed by other media, both European and French. And inevitably, many questions arise around this signing of a tricolor star in Madrid. What position for him? When will it be presented? How will image rights be shared with Real Madrid? What number ? And many other questions that should be answered in the coming months.

But the question Madrid fans and observers – and Real Madrid players themselves – ask most is: which player will be sacrificed to make room for Kylian Mbappé? Some were thinking about Vinicius Junior recently, and some local media even mentioned a possible sale of the Brazilian next summer…

The player is aware of this…

But it will be another Canarinha player who risks being sacrificed. As indicated Relevo, it is Rodrygo that the arrival of Kylian Mbappé will do the most harm. The newspaper explains that the player’s lack of consistency could cost him dearly, and that there are currently two options available to Ancelotti: a 4-3-3 with the Bondynois up front and the two Brazilians on the sides. Then, a 4-4-2 diamond, with Vinicius Jr and Mbappé at the forefront, which would leave Rodrygo on the floor.

The Madrid press has no doubt, it is he who will taste the bench if Ancelotti continues to rely on this second tactical system. Rodrygo thus has the end of the season to prove that he can, at least, be competitive and possibly pose some choice problems for Carlo Ancelotti, under penalty of returning to the role of offensive joker like a few years ago. To be continued…

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