A La Liga star doubts Kylian Mbappé’s success at Real Madrid


By: Manu Tournoux

The future transfer of Kylian Mbappé (25 years old) to Real Madrid is taking up all the discussions, especially in Spain. While answering questions from the newspaper A.S., Celta Vigo striker Iago Aspas (36) was asked about the Frenchman’s movement. Iago Aspas has also expressed his doubts on this matter, drawing a parallel with his situation at PSG with Neymar and Messi.

“It would be a good thing for La Liga, because the better the players are, the more impact and economic income they will have”first recalled the Spanish striker, before raising his doubts about the effectiveness of this transfer. “On paper, it is very easy to say that Real Madrid will sweep everything with Mbappé, but this must translate on the pitch. PSG also had to be a bomb with Messi and Neymar, but they didn’t win the Champions League in either year.added Aspas.

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