Javier Tebas takes Kylian Mbappé’s arrival at Real Madrid for granted


By: Manu Tournoux

Between Kylian Mbappé and Paris Saint-Germain, it’s almost the end. As we revealed exclusively on January 7, the Parisian striker will leave the capital club at the end of the current season, i.e. at the end of his contract. After being delighted with this news at the beginning of February, Javier Tebas now has no doubt and assures that Real Madrid is the only club in Europe to have the financial arguments to sign the Frenchman.

“I’ve been saying it since January, and based on the latest information, everything suggests that he will play for Real Madrid. Due to the current situation of the Premier League, which has experienced a very significant slowdown in this winter market, only Spain remains a destination and in Spain, the only club that has economic capacity is Real Madrid.indicated the boss of La Liga at the microphone of Movistar+.

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