Deschamps, change requested from the Blues


By: Manu Tournoux

Jean-Michel Larqué asked Didier Deschamps on Friday to modify his selection criteria to allow certain players to access the France team.

One of Didier Deschamps’ rules for choosing the players he selects for the France team is not a secret. The French tactician wants French internationals to play in the biggest clubs. In fact, even if they shine in less posh teams, certain players have very little chance of being offered a place with the Blues. An observation made this Friday by Jean-Michel Larqué, who sent a message to the coach.

Consultant for RMC, the former pair of the late Thierry Roland pleaded in favor of those who, according to him, deserve their chance with the Blues, although not playing at Real Madrid, Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain or any other big European club. “ There are players who slip through the cracks of the selection, probably because they are in clubs considered small, and they themselves do not have experience. I find that quite unfair. I would like the coach to change his mind for once. »

He has the right to take a player who is from the people »

Recalling that he had pleaded for a return of Karim Benzema before Didier Deschamps seemed to hear him and recalled the former Real to the Blues, a few months before Euro 2021, Jean-Michel Larqué therefore issued a new wish from the French coach. “ Didier Deschamps, nothing prevents him, nothing prohibits him, from taking players who (…) who have two handicaps, that of not playing abroad and that of not being in a big club. (…) When I see Jordan Veretout, whom I consider a good player, players like Téji Savanier or Pierre Lees-Melou are not inferior. »

The former AS Saint-Étienne and PSG therefore believes that there is room among the Blues for some new players from more modest clubs. “ Out of twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five players, he has the right from time to time to take a player who is from the people, from the toothless footballers. He has the right to take them. I’m not kidding. I think it would also be a good sign towards all the anonymous people who progress, do their best and from time to time, that their work in the shadows is recognized. This would be very positive for French players and coaches (…). » It remains to be seen whether Sir Didier Deschamps will respond to this appeal.

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