Why Real Madrid are favored by the referees


By: Manu Tournoux

According to Emmanuel Petit, the prestige of Real Madrid acts on the subconscious of referees.

Real Madrid can once again thank the refereeing body. Because if the Merengue club has qualified for the quarter-finals of the Champions League, it is partly due to the clemency of Mr. Davide Massa.

Guilty of a charge in the back then of a stroller both but on the spot of Willi Orban, Vinicius got away with a simple yellow card while the Brazilian clearly deserved a red. Twelve minutes later, the Brazilian opened the scoring before Leipzig equalized and came close to snatching extra time at the end of the match.

Present at the microphone of RMC, Emmanuel Petit, returned to this arbitration error. “I think it’s in the referees’ subconscious. I experienced it with Monaco against the great AC Milan who dominated Europe. We had gross refereeing errors at home that were not punished, he confided. I’m not talking about conspiracy, but I think that even the referees, when they go there, they are impressed by the standing, the status of Real Madrid. Now, is that enough to justify what has been happening for quite a few years now? »

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