Tax fraud, prison: Carlo Ancelotti bangs his fist on the table


By: Manu Tournoux

Everything is going well for Carlo Ancelotti with Real Madrid, since his team is at the top of La Liga and has obtained its ticket to the quarter-finals of the Champions League. But off the field, it’s a little more complicated, since we recently learned that the Transalpine faces 4 months and 9 years in prison in Spain for tax evasion. He is accused of not having declared substantial sums over the period 2015-2016. After the match against Leipzig on Wednesday evening, the Italian wanted to speak on this subject.

“It’s an old story that started eight years ago where the prosecution thought I was a resident and I think I wasn’t a resident. I have already paid the fine, the money is already in the prosecutor’s office. The lawyers discuss to find a solution. I am convinced that I am innocent, that I was not a resident in 2015, they think so. Let’s see what the judge says.”, replied the Italian coach. The message got through.

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