PSG: Kylian Mbappé almost as fast as Usain Bolt


By: Manu Tournoux

We knew that Kylian Mbappé is one of the fastest football players there is. Just yesterday, during PSG’s victory against Real Sociedad in the Champions League, the Parisian demonstrated his speed qualities. His two goals are also following deep calls (15th, 56th). According to BBC, the Frenchman was flashed at an estimated speed of 10.9 seconds over 100m (corresponding to 33 km/h). A speed that is close to the discipline record…

For comparison, during his world record in 2009, Usain Bolt achieved a time of 9.58 seconds in Berlin. The French striker is therefore only a good second away from this impressive speed. However, it must be said that these two performances are incomparable. During the 100m measurement, the Frenchman started off on a grassy field, while the Jamaican was on the track, from a standing start.

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