Hakimi, the new confidences of his ex


By: Manu Tournoux

Separated from Achraf Hakimi for a few months, Hiba Abouk returned to the difficult period she experienced and the end of her relationship with the PSG player.

These two experienced true love, got married and had two children together. And then everything went wrong at the beginning of 2023, when Achraf Hakimi found himself accused of rape by a twenty-four-year-old young woman. The straw that broke the camel’s back for his wife, Hiba Abouk, who filed for divorce. Indicted last March, the Paris Saint-Germain defender immediately proclaimed his innocence and has since been confronted by his accuser in December of the same year. The case is still ongoing, but Hiba Abouk has agreed to review the consequences that the events had for her.

In an interview given to the podcast “ A solas with Vicky », the mother broke the silence on her situation. “ I am discreet about my private life. It’s the choice I made to be able to be free and not have my life in the mouths of others. It only belongs to me. » Then affirming that the chapter linked to the accusations against her ex-husband was “ closed » for her, the Spanish actress still made a sad admission: “ I had the worst year of my life, but it’s over. And I think that now begins the best year of my life. I am a transformed Hiba Abouk. A lot has happened over the past year. Lots of changes. »

Very hard times

And the one who is now thirty-seven years old continues: “ My priority is always my children. I make decisions for and based on them only. » As for her story with Achraf Hakimi, she also admitted to having had difficulty turning the page. “ How to get out of a story like this? You have to think about it for a long time, debate it with yourself and with him, of course, because he is the one who is involved. Disloyalty kills love. I will forgive infidelity, and I have done so more than once. We all make mistakes, but it’s difficult to forgive because you have to work on yourself. »

Hiba Abouk also conceded about her decision to divorce: “ I had a really bad time because we didn’t want it to be publicized and it was. There were very hard moments, I was defeated, physically defeated. It was a very difficult decision for me because I left everything for my family, and my family split up. I left my husband, I returned to my job, I took my children, I returned to Madrid and I came back to life. (…) I haven’t had any luck with men. I didn’t manage to get it right. I have had many disappointments. But I still believe that someone can come along and be the love of my life. »

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