Real Sociedad – PSG: strong words from Luis Enrique on Kylian Mbappé’s performance


By: Manu Tournoux

Paris Saint-Germain did the job. Buoyed by Kylian Mbappé’s double, the capital club validated its qualification for the quarter-finals on Tuesday evening at Real Sociedad. Questioned at a press conference, Luis Enrique did not hide his joy and especially wanted to highlight the performance of the 2018 world champion. “Mbappé does not need to be managed, he manages himself. Today he had a more fixed position than usual. Usually he has more freedoms. Today he was more on the left side. But when faced with the goal, it is lethal”.

A few moments earlier, at the microphone of RMC Sportthe former coach of La Roja was, here too, rave about his protégé. “Kylian still has the same investment, we have no problems, we try to do the best for the team. Today he was exceptional, he played for his teammates. It’s a good time for all of us.”. Enough to definitely calm the relationship between the two men? To be continued in the next episode…

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