Torino: Ivan Juric wanted to slit Vincenzo Italiano’s throat


By: Manu Tournoux

There were very tense moments during Torino-Fiorentina, especially between the two coaches, Ivan Juric and Vincenzo Italiano. Indeed, the two men had never really provoked each other in the past but this Saturday evening, they almost came to blows, before the intervention of the two benches. After the meeting (0-0), they found themselves all smiles and joked about it: “We live the match with adrenaline, Vincenzo Italiano is a friend: we argue. I was really mean to Vincenzo, I went too far and I have to apologize. We have the same type of passion and we are very aggressive during matches”explained the Croatian who threatened the Italian coach to slit his throat during the match.

“I hope this image of us hugging goes around, it should be an example for others”Italiano then responded alongside Juric at the microphone of Sky Italia. However, Ivan Juric jokingly said that he could not promise that this kind of thing would not happen again. The confrontation between Torino and Fiorentina was marked by numerous refereeing episodes which created controversy, notably the expulsion of Samuele Ricci for protest before the break. In any case, the two men still seem to get along just as well. All’s well That ends well.

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