Zlatan Ibrahimovic not afraid of offers from Saudi Arabia


By: Manu Tournoux

He put away the player’s cleats for manager’s ties. Having become a member of the AC Milan organization chart in a fairly hybrid role, Zlatan Ibrahimovic seems to be enjoying this new life. He takes care of the sportsman and the first team in particular by being the new right-hand man of Gerri Cardinale, the owner of the Rossoneri. It is in particular he who must draw the contours of the next transfer window.

This summer, he will probably have to decide on certain situations, such as incredible offers from Saudi Arabia. He has already found the solution. “When the opportunity presents itself and there is an offer, I think it is difficult for many players to refuse. But then it depends on what kind of legacy you want to leave in the world of football.” The Swede has (almost) always chosen the path to glory rather than money.

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