Marseille is a special city where everything catches fire more quickly than elsewhere. The events of the past week have further confirmed this. Plunged into a violent and lasting crisis, the Marseille club separated from its coach Gennaro Gattuso to focus on the experienced Jean-Louis Gasset. And in two short matches, the former assistant to Laurent Blanc has revived optimism. OM have had two successes against Shakhar Donetsk in the Europa League (3-1) and Montpellier in Ligue 1 (4-1). Two stunning victories with compelling content. In two outings, Marseille has scored as many goals as for the rest of 2024. In the ranks of the club, the Gasset method is attractive.

“Benevolence, professionalism, trust”: Gasset changed everything

A source agreed to speak on condition of anonymity. “He transcends guys, imbues them with something. He knows football very well and has this soothsaying side that tells you what is going to happen, can we read in this testimony transcribed by La Provence. Kindness, professionalism, trust are the terms that best characterize him and he manages to balance all of that well. In a word, it unites”.

Strong words which should not leave Jean-Louis Gasset indifferent. The arrival of the new coach of Olympique de Marseille initially generated a wave of skepticism because of his age (70) and his failure at the CAN with Ivory Coast.