Beckenbauer, concern grows


By: Manu Tournoux

The state of health of Franz Beckenbauer is causing increasing concern in Germany. A statement from his brother didn’t help matters.

It has now been several years since Franz Beckenbauer saw his physical condition deteriorate. Two heart operations undergone in 2016 and 2017, installation of a hip prosthesis in 2018 and surgery on the right eye in 2022. So many concerns which impacted the daily life of the former glory of German football. Having not appeared publicly for a while, Beckenbauer would not be at his best, according to his brother Walter.

In remarks given to Bildhe explained that the former leader of Bayern Munich “ not feeling well “. And to add: “ If I said everything was fine, I would be lying and I don’t like lying. »Last year, shortly before the 2022 World Cup, Franz Beckenbauer himself spoke on the subject: “ I had what they call a heart attack in one eye. Unfortunately, I can no longer see anything out of my right eye and I have to watch my heart. »

Now living in Austria, the “Kaiser” has since chosen to flee the public and the media. Now aged seventy-eight, the winner of the 1974 World Cup with Germany is facing the ravages of time. With courage and discretion.

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