Borussia M’Gladbach warns for Manu Koné


By: Manu Tournoux

The young French midfielder, Manu Koné (22), attracts the spotlight under the colors of Borussia Mönchengladbach, currently 12th in the Bundesliga this season. Liverpool even inquired about the player for a while, during the last summer transfer window, before several Italian clubs, including Juventus and Napoli, became interested in him recently. German management, which asked for 40 million euros last summer, says it is ready to revise its price downwards, to around 35 million for its player under contract until June 30, 2026.

The manager of Fohlen, Roland Virkus (56 years old), was keen to take stock of the situation of his central midfielder. “We have not received any specific request for Manu Konéhe first explained to Bildbefore admitting that M’Gladbach remained open to everything. Of course, we are ready for any movement and constantly monitor the market, this is part of it“.

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