Unbelievable: Talking to Kylian Mbappé Changed This Young Boy’s Life Forever


By: Nicolas Gerbault

Axel Deprez, a 15-year-old with a motor disability, is a big football fan. He particularly admires Kylian Mbappé, and on Wednesday night, he got the chance to speak with him. As reported by our sources, Mbappé’s father, Wilfrid Mbappé, was at the Épopée stadium with the Variétés Club de France, where he even scored a beautiful goal. His son, Kylian, jokingly teased him about it on social media (“I’m dead,” he wrote on Twitter). During the second half of the game, Axel’s cousin Jérôme Germe, who works with football in Calais, came to take him down near the locker rooms as a surprise.

Wilfrid Mbappé went into the dressing room to get a signed jersey from his son to give to the young fan. Axel, accompanied by Wilfrid Mbappé and his father Bruno, couldn’t believe it when Kylian Mbappé responded to him on a video call. The exchange left Axel feeling proud and a bit pressured, as it was totally unexpected. He said, “I think I was really lucky, and I find myself thinking about it a lot. I’m a huge fan of him since his early days at Monaco.”

His parents expressed their gratitude to Kylian Mbappé for taking the time out to bring happiness to someone else. Axel hopes to fulfill the second part of his dream: meeting Kylian Mbappé in person. Although he received a signed PSG jersey, he intends to keep it safe and display it rather than wear it, as he has around twenty other jerseys in his room. His father Bruno added that Axel is a big sports fan, and they plan to frame and hang the jersey up.

Axel was ecstatic about the encounter and couldn’t wait to share the news with his friends, who initially didn’t believe him. Now, he plans to show them the video uploaded by the Racing Club de Calais. And with his dream of meeting Kylian Mbappé still on the horizon, Axel’s excitement knows no bounds.

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