Emiliano Martinez’s funny outing on Unai Emery


By: Manu Tournoux

Aston Villa is having a great first half of the season in the Premier League, with a third place in the league. Just that. Obviously, Unai Emery is receiving a lot of praise at the moment. Emiliano Martínez, sulphurous Villans goalkeeper, said a little more about the methods of the former Paris Saint-Germain coach.

“I told Unai Emery that I need to train a little more on sprints (laughs). Because now I’m sprinting forward and backward like I’ve never done before.”explained the 2022 world champion in an interview with DAZNregarding Emery’s instructions to be high enough on the pitch. “Emery is very intense. At training, during meetings, on match days, when he speaks… He is intense. He doesn’t let you relax.”added the doorman.

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