Barça: two players at the end of their contracts could soon pack up


By: Manu Tournoux

Sergi Roberto and Marcos Alonso will officially be able to negotiate freely with any club starting next week. The two Barça players will end their contract with the Blaugrana on June 30 and know that it is difficult for them to continue despite the fact that the Catalan club’s final decision will not be communicated until the end of January. The sports management does not have the mission of continuing to renew the team, but any decision will be taken with Xavi’s technical staff, according to information from the Catalan daily SPORT.

Both players have already had preliminary contacts with the club to explore their future and Barça has explained to them that it will communicate its decision as soon as possible out of respect, so that they can find a destination in advance. They are satisfied with the professionalism of the two players, very important in the locker room. If Marcos Alonso is almost certain to pack up, the situation of Sergi Roberto still remains to be determined.

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