Manchester City on the verge of tackling Barça for Claudio Echeverri


By: Manu Tournoux

He’s the new sensation in Argentine football. At the age of 17, Claudio Echeverri is on everyone’s lips in South America and now in Europe. The young attacking midfielder, who plays for River Plate, shone during the U17 World Cup in Indonesia. Above all, he confirmed what many had considered obvious for some time, he has everything to succeed in leaving his mark on football. And inevitably, as is often the case, European clubs are snapping up him as he turns 18 on January 2. Its future is now being written in Europe and it is therefore necessary to choose the right club to continue its progress.

Like all Argentines, as a big fan of Lionel Messi, Claudio Echeverri publicly expressed his wish to one day wear the FC Barcelona tunic. “In addition to River, I would like to play for Barça. I’m a big fan of Messi and I saw him play for Barcelona, ​​so I’ve had this team in me since I was very young.he confided to Olé. Enough to make FC Barcelona salivate, which quickly became the favorite to enlist him. But the problem is that Catalan finances are not at their best. And under contract until December 2024, he has a release clause of €25 million (which can rise to €30 million depending on the date of the transfer). The Spanish press revealed that Barça’s idea was to spread the payment over many years. But that obviously doesn’t suit River Plate.

River Plate is not happy

In this sense, Manchester City, also on the player, quickly became a very serious candidate. Especially since the Cityzens have had very good relations with River Plate since the transfer of Julian Alvarez. And this Sunday morning, TyC Sports made big revelations in this matter. The player’s agent spoke to the Argentine media to reveal juicy information about his future. “Claudio is so committed to the club and to his teammates that he specifically requested that if there were ongoing negotiations, he would still want to stay a year playing at the club he loves so much. Leaders will analyze the situation and make the best decision for everyone., he said. Enough to delight his coach Demichelis who had already sent a message to his nugget: “I think he shouldn’t be in a hurry to leave. It’s clear that everyone dreams of going to Europe, but this institution is enormous.”

This idea really appeals to Manchester City. Indeed, always according to the indiscretions of TyC Sports, the English club believes that the transfer amount is not disturbing at all and that the idea of ​​paying 30 million to leave him for one more year in Argentina is largely feasible. On the other hand, this scenario does not suit River Plate who had another plan in mind. The club’s leaders did not appreciate the player’s recent statements which forced the club to quickly part ways with him. River Plate above all wanted to extend the player’s contract and drastically increase his clause. But now, the Argentine club is almost forced to reach an agreement with Manchester City while Barça is far behind.

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