Big blow for Liverpool


By: Manu Tournoux

Injured during the match against Arsenal on Saturday, Kostas Tsimikas suffered a fracture and will be absent for several weeks.

The Boxing Day clash between Liverpool has Arsenal this Saturday in the Premier League kept all its promises. At the end of a contested and very rhythmic duel, the two teams separated with a draw (1-1), confirming the exciting fight for the title in which Aston Villa is also participating, tied on points with the Reds.

A fall not without consequences

This meeting was also marked by a rather funny scene. After a shoulder duel with Bukayo Saka, Kostas Tsimikas fell to the ground and took his coach Jürgen Klopp with him, the German technician being as often standing and very close to the pitch. The problem is that the Greek player seriously injured his shoulder in a fall, having to give up his place immediately.

After the match, Klopp confirmed the bad news and informed that his left-back would be out for several weeks. “He at least fractured his collarbone, it’s really bad for us. I would gladly give my collarbone if it would get Kostas back into shape.”, he indicated. A new blow for Liverpool in this position sinceAndy Robertson has also been absent for more than two months due to a shoulder injury.

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