Javier Tebas smashes the Super League again


By: Manu Tournoux

While the Super League is back at the heart of sporting news after the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union – finding that the rules imposed by FIFA and UEFA would be contrary to Union law European – many actors come out of silence to take sides. And among the detractors, the president of La Liga, Javier Tebas, does not hesitate to attack the boss of the Super League project, Bernd Reichart.

In a new post on X published this Saturday, Javier Tebas continues his attacks. “Over time, we will let go of the initial euphoria and face the reality of the resolution of the Court of Justice of the European Union. As I had predicted a few days before the court decision was handed down, a distorted “story” was constructed. In any case, we will leave the question of the authors of the CJEU press release for later, since it is Christmas time”he blurted.

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