“Without Mourinho and Lukaku, AS Roma is dead”, Lazio warns


By: Manu Tournoux

The Italian government is ending tax benefits for national football, angering Claudio Lotito, president of Lazio Rome.

The Italian government has announced the end of tax benefits granted to national football clubs. The decision sparked outrage from Lazio president Claudio Lotito, who believes it will harm the competitiveness of Italian football.

In an interview with the daily La Stampa, the Italian leader declared that clubs could not only count on young people to succeed. To illustrate his remarks, the Azzurri boss notably gave the example of AS Rome, led by Belgian striker Romelu Lukaku (30 years old), author of 7 goals in 13 league matches, who plays under the orders of Jose Mourinho.

“Football, young people…”. It makes no sense. You don’t care about the boys who get 50 euros, you care about the champions, he said. You will therefore also destroy the competitiveness of Italian football. If you had the chance to buy Lukaku today… He plays for AS Roma, right? They took Lukaku. Do you realize the problem? They wouldn’t take Mourinho! Because Mourinho uses this rule. This harms the clubs. Without Mourinho and Lukaku, AS Roma is dead,” Lotito concluded.

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