Europe goes wild against the Super League, Antoine Griezmann’s big decision for his future


By: Manu Tournoux

England rises…

In England, there too this announcement for the Super League caused a lot of noise! Obviously, the Premier League strongly criticized this decision and the project. This morning, the Daily Mirror posted a scathing: “football is not for sale» ! According to him, “the Super League sinks without a trace. UEFA relieved as fan power ends European Super League project despite ban on clubs lifted“. More generally, the Daily Express goes in the same direction with this title “football is not for sale.»For the Daily Mail, «the Super League is shunned», England does not want it. But… All clubs must come out of the woodwork to provide support and some are putting pressure on Arsenal and Liverpool who have not yet announced their official opposition, as reported The Daily Telegraph.

…Spain enjoys!

Obviously, Spain congratulates itself after this announcement. We remind you that FC Barcelona and Real Madrid are the clubs which have never abandoned the project and have been campaigning since the start of these announcements in 2021. Marca almost regrets that most European clubs do not follow the trend and announces on its front page: “Justice agrees with him, but football does not support this model. The Court of Justice of the EU considers that there is an “abuse of power on the part of UEFA and FIFA”. They will not be able to sanction those who participate in another competition.» Same story on the cover of A.S.The European Court of Justice ruled that UEFA and FIFA “abuse their dominant position” and that the ban on the new competition is “illegal”. The Madrid-sponsored tournament would feature three divisions and be available on free television. Ceferin, Tebas and the big clubs reject the project and plan a long trial.» For the Catalan daily newspaper Sportthere is no doubt : “Barça and Madrid change history. Joan Laporta and Florentino Pérez celebrate the decision which allows the Super League to take a giant step in the revolution of European football.»The other club which has always supported the project is Juventus, so obviously the Turin newspaper Tuttosport is delighted with this decision and states that “everyone is free» ! The daily speaks of a decision “historic, the European Court of Justice opens the Super League“.

Griezmann will extend at Atlético de Madrid

News about the future of a Frenchman at Atlético de Madrid. It’s not just anyone, it’s the club legend: Antoine Griezmann. And the newspaper A.S. tells us, by repeating the statements of the president of the Colchoneros, that the French international will extend his contract with Atlético. “Griezmann’s extension is on track. Cerezo announces that the club is already working on a new contract» with the French. The Madrid president was clear during the traditional Christmas lunch with the media: “Before you ask me about Griezmann’s extension, I repeat to you what I say every day, everything is in progress. We’ll tell you next year.» In short, Griezmann sees his future at Atlético but… perhaps not with the same equipment manufacturer. Indeed, according to our information, the native of Mâcon wants to leave Puma at the end of the season. And it would be Decathlon which would hold the rope to have the World champion as its muse in the coming months. Signing a player of the caliber of Antoine Griezmann, who benefits from an international aura, would be a stroke of genius on the part of the French brand which would allow it to take a step forward and make a sensational entry into the shoe market… follow.

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