20 years later, Luis Fernandez settles scores with Ronaldinho


By: Manu Tournoux

Former PSG coach Luis Fernandez made an inglorious remark about his former star, Ronaldinho.

Luis Fernandez had two stints on the PSG bench. The first (1994-1996) was quite brilliant, punctuated by the conquest of the Cup of Cups. The second, on the other hand, was less attractive although longer (2000-2003). And during this second experience, he especially stood out by coming into conflict with Ronaldinho, the star of the team.

Ronaldinho’s “driver” Fernandez

The Brazilian genius was then one of the best footballers in the world. However, in Paris, he did not play all the time. His trainer didn’t like the fact that he was going out on nights after nights. So, he did not hesitate to dismiss it. Even if it means alienating the 2002 world champion and even the public at the Park.

Fernandez, however, does not regret any of his choices. He said it again no later than Thursday evening by making a phone call to the Channel L’Equipe. Reacting to an anecdote told by Gerard Darmon about Ronnie and the harsh treatment he suffered within the Ile-de-France club, the retired technician recalled some truths.

“Darmon says that Ronaldinho came home at 6 a.m. from a nightclub and scored two goals at 2 p.m.? If that were the case, not only would I have allowed him to go to a nightclub but I would even have been his driver.” proclaimed the coach to Chupa Chups.

Fernandez did not at all like being criticized by the famous French actor. Before hanging up, he didn’t hesitate to send a violent dig at her in turn: “Gerard Darmon says he spoke to me. But, for me, the only Darmon I know is Jean-Claude”.

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