“Mbappé? We get insulted all day”


By: Manu Tournoux

Making comments and analyzes on Kylian Mbappé is not necessarily easy. Giovanni Castaldi said this Thursday that he was fed up with the criticism he sometimes receives when he talks about the PSG striker.

This Thursday, Kylian Mbappé celebrated his twenty-fifth birthday. A precocious talent and nugget of current French football, the 2018 world champion with France has for several years been one of the major and essential subjects of specialist broadcasts. And inevitably, even if he attracts many compliments, the Paris Saint-Germain player is also the target of certain criticism. Whether it is about his game or his attitude, his every move is commented on, as is the case with the greatest footballers. Journalist for the channel The TeamGiovanni Castaldi rightly raised the subject.

Brought to give his opinion on the level of a Kylian Mbappé that some put at the same table as Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo, the companion of Carine Galli wanted to give a little rant. “ The ‘we are mean to Mbappé’ side, I don’t understand that. All day long we get insulted because we’re supposedly too pro-Mbappé and we don’t say anything mean. We spend our time in the stadiums and people are there telling us ‘pro-Mbappé, pro-Mbappé’. » And the journalist returns to the subject of Mbappé himself. “ Overall, I believe that Mbappé is treated with a lot of respect in France. »

“It’s incomparable with Lionel Messi”

However, Giovanni Castaldi conceded that it was not possible to only say positive things about the Bondynois. “ There are sometimes criticisms, which in my opinion are legitimate because he has a status and sometimes we have the right to be criticized, even when we are an icon and, even if he is a very strong player, it is not yet perfect. And it’s not an insult to say that. » As for whether Kylian Mbappé already deserves to be placed on an equal footing with Lionel Messi, the journalist was very clear. “ I have great respect for Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappé, (…) but it is incomparable with Lionel Messi. Whether in terms of statistics, results and visual impression, what Messi did at his age, there was everything. Mbappé is very strong, but it is still far from the level that Messi had at the same age. »

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