Important details on the state of health of Ezequiel Lavezzi


By: Manu Tournoux

New information has been communicated about Ezequiel Lavezzi, while the Argentine press announced on Wednesday that the former PSG player had been stabbed.

The information caused a strong wave of emotion across the four corners of the world: several Argentine media reported this Wednesday that Ezequiel Lavezzi was the victim of a stabbing. The media Clarin specified that Former Paris Saint-Germain striker reportedly admitted to Cantegril hospitalcity in southern Uruguay for “a small puncture wound in the abdomen and a fracture in the collarbone” after being stabbed following family disputes.

“Stop inventing versions”

This Thursday, TyC Sports added that it was a domestic accident which injured the footballer, citing a fall from a ladder. Later in the day, Ezequiel Lavezzi’s son took the stand to give his version of the facts. “For anyone who was worried about my dad, he is fine. Stop inventing versions because behind it there is a family”he wrote on his Instagram account.
Furthermore, the director of the Cantergil Sanatorium who treated Lavezzi, Maria del Carmen Lorente, confirmed on ESPN this thesis of a domestic accident. “He fell, he had a trauma at a social event and he fractured his collarbone, which is why he is admitted here. He is stable and tests have been done (…) The ambulance brought him and as it was during an event, at a party, where he fell and was injured, the police were called”.

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