Payet, it’s blurry


By: Manu Tournoux

Still very attached to OM, Dimitri Payet spoke about his future this Wednesday on RMC.

Appearing in tears this summer, then pushed out by OM, Dimitri Payet rebuilt himself in Brazil. “ My head is doing very well, that’s what healed me, this challenge from Vasco and the love of the supporters. I still want it, he whispers in an interview given this Wednesday to RMC. I feel like I’m starting a new adventure here in Brazil so the hunger is still there, the desire is still there, the pleasure is still there. I hope I’ll be here for a long time. »

Not yet resolved to hang up his boots, the Reunion leader is not sure about his future beyond the field. “ I don’t think I can do anything other than football. Since I was little, I’ve only done that, and I can’t see myself doing anything else. Afterwards there is nothing defined because I am not thinking about it yet, for me it is too early. For the future, I will ask myself the question when the time is right, when I see that the end is coming. » Why not train, the person concerned does not close the door. “ It’s very difficult to manage a team and a locker room today, I know what I’m talking about. You really have to want it and be able to surround yourself with the right people, it’s essential. And that, unfortunately, you don’t find overnight. But I like everything. Coaching, taking care of young people, training… I love football, so I know I will find something that I like. »

The regret of the blank list

With always a regret despite everything about his football career. “ Doing ten years in Marseille is not easy. Ten years playing as a starter except the last year… We made a European Cup final (in the Europa League in 2018, editor’s note), we brought the club back to the Champions League even if we did not know how to represent the club as we should have done at that time. The memories remain positive even if there were difficult times. In the end, the results are rather positive even if a written line is missing on this page. It’s undeniable. This is perhaps my great regret today. »

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